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The Good News!

Thank you for visiting this page! This is just a small collection of some of the messages we share, the songs we sign, the content of our weekly sermons. This collection was made during the closure of our church during isolation during COVID. We will keep this page as a nice way to review the sharing of the good news during a difficult time. If you are considering visiting our church, this is just a small sample of our pastor's sermons. We hope you enjoy this page!

April 5, 2020


Palm Sunday begins the journey of Holy Week. We are invited to enter into the passion of God’s Messiah – to explore deeply the meaning of Jesus’ suffering and death. We enter this time, confident that God’s faithful promises will reign victorious on Easter. What meaning do we find in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection for ourselves and for our world? Why are the stories of Holy Week important to us?

Scripture Lessons:
Matthew 21: 1-11

Readings for Passion:
Isaiah 50: 4-9
Psalm 31: 9-16
Philippians 2: 5-11
Matthew 26: 14-27
Matthew 27: 11-54


Prayer of Dedication

O God of wisdom, you open our eyes to behold the wonder of your mighty acts.  You free our tongues to proclaim as good news Christ suffering for all of us.  We sing, “Hosanna in the highest!”

Christ has entered our lives. Accept now our offerings as our garlands of welcome, and hear our shouts of praise as we seek to follow Christ.  Amen!

Palm Sunday.jpg

March 30, 2020


The bottom line, we WILL suffer in this world. There is no sugar-coating it, and as followers of Christ, we are told quite clearly in Scripture that we will have crosses to bear. We will have persecution because of our beliefs.We will have hardships.We will have pain. We will be sad and lonely sometimes. Having faith in Jesus is not taking the easy way out. It is going to be a struggle at times. It is going to get rough.


Go forth and live your life in good times and bad with this future glory as your goal. And one last thing that we should never forget we are not alone in our sufferings…
God is with us in the midst of our pain and suffering.


Excerpted from Pastor Dawn Marie Meier's Sermon


March 26, 2020


Jesus doesn’t say you MIGHT have trouble or THERE’S A CHANCE you will have trouble or you COULD have trouble. He says you WILL. There is no getting around it. But the good news for us is that Jesus doesn’t stop there. Though he says, “You will have trouble,” he continues by saying, “But I have overcome the world.” 

Jesus has the power to take away our suffering forever. Jesus gained this power when he went to the cross for us. There, the Bible says, his suffering took away the eternal pain and suffering that we should have received because of our sin. When Jesus died and rose again, he let the world know that he had truly overcome it and that the sufferings of this world would not have a hold on us forever. 


Excerpted from Pastor Dawn Marie Meier's Sermon


March 18, 2020


From the Pastor,


As our conference minister Rev. David R. Gaewski said.  “Take a deep breath, let it out slowly.” 

I like those words and we need to hear those words on a regular basis.  We are in uncertain times. There are many questions, many unknowns much fear, much anxiety.  Take a deep breath, let it out slowly. Things change daily. Even our Lenten season has been interrupted. 

But let us remember in these times, that God’s presence and continuing love is as close as breathing.        

So when you start feeling tense, or you sense the panic creeping in, as you become aware of your fear, stop, take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and repeat--- take a deep breath, let it out slowly.   It truly works.  


Blessings, prayers and thoughts for all of you!

Pastor Dawn Marie

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